This is a blog site for Mental Health Affects Someone Like Me
A community blogging platform for all things mental health related.

Stories come from people across all a number of different walks of life

There are a total of 16 posts on this site

There are currently 0 drafts in progress

An Intro to our new Blogger – Gem Hill

Who am I? I am Gem Hill, I’m in my early 30s and work in Manchester as a Senior Software Tester at the BBC. I met Ryan at a mental health meet up and was really interested in the idea of as I spend some of my non-work time talking about mental health. I’ve got a podcast (, and do talks about mental health at meetups and conferences. You can see one of my talks here (you’ll need a free account on the site): https://www.

Feb 21st is Mental Health Nurse Appreciation Day!!

Today is Feb 21st and it is Mental Health Nurse Appreciation Day which you can find out more about over at and you can have a look at some of the posts being made by following their twitter account and also these hashtags MHNurseDay , MHNursesDay, MentalHealthNursesDay I would also reading this blog and following Abby and also check out this post by If you think you might be interested in a career as a Mental Health Nurse then I would recommend having a read through the below links

The Strains that #SleepDeprivation & #SleepDisturbances can take on your #MentalHealth & Physical Health - pt 1

This is the first part in a small series into The Strains that Sleep Deprivation & Sleep Disturbances can take on your Mental Health & Physical Health We all know the importance of a good nights sleep, and the health benefits this brings us, right? If not then I recommend you have a quick read of this article that explains just a few of the benefits that a good nights sleep can bring you.

It's #TimeToTalk, But it's also #TimeToWrite

Whilst today Feb 7th is #TimeToTalk Day, a day that symbolises the need for people to talk about their Mental Health, this also raises a perhaps unspoken point around the need to write about mental health as much as it does to talk about it. Writing things down is a really good way of being able to process complex things, like mental health, or a really difficult mathematical equation or even just something that you want to say to someone.

An Intro to our new Blogger - Ryan Yates

Over time mhasl will get a number of new bloggers and in this series of blog posts we will briefly introduce you to these new Bloggers. So without further ado Who am I? I am Ryan Yates, I’m in my late 20s and I am an IT Consultant that works at a Software Consultancy in the UK and I am the founder of this blog site. I set up this site, Mental Health Affects Someone Like Me, because Mental Health does affect someone just like me, and after a lot of thought and some conversations with some of my peers in various areas, I decided upon setting up this blog site with a view to help end the stigma about talking & writing about mental health, hopefully from all angles. and its purpose & long term intent

What is stands for Mental Health Affects Someone Like Me and is fundamentally a Collaborative Blogging Site for those that want to come together and share their stories around any and all areas of Mental Health, including but not limited to, personal accounts of living with recognised and diagnosed mental health aliments, accounts of living with and supporting those with mental health aliments, tips and tricks to manage with your mental health, and lastly pointers towards support articles and ways to find support and how to approach things if you think you may be suffering from one of the many different forms of mental health aliments.