Donation Policy

Donation Policy

You are 100% free to read the content of this site with no requirement for any form of donation, we just merely give you a quick and easy way to do so if you wanted to.

Therefore, if you do choose to make a donation, you can do so directly to the author as listed in their profile box at the top of every page, much like services like “buy me a coffee”, cash app or a Patreon subscription for any content that you have liked.

You can also donate directly towards the site’s maintenance and ongoing improvement, as well as towards enabling additional future content, including for us to be able to look to approach and pay others for them to write content for us. This will also be used towards additional research and development purposes and any ongoing or future costs as needed, including hiring others to help with some of the site design and accessibility issues that we would like to improve upon.

Some of the project plan for accessibility improvements lie in the theme, which you can find out and add suggestions to this repostitory.